A physician’s knowledge on medical conditions, its presentations, complications, prognosis etc, makes it safe for the patient to receive the yoga therapy from him, or under his guidance. A doctor neither believes in making people perform difficult poses, nor insists on it. It completely goes by the aphorism” Sthiram Sukham Asanam”- which means the Yogic posture necessarily, should be easy and comfortable, for practice and its maintenance. This is the major difference between the cultural yoga and the therapeutic yoga.
Yoga therapy is most beneficial in prevention and treatment of Life style diseases. Diseases like Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Bronchial Asthma, Coronary artery disease, Migraine, allergic Rhinitis, Anxiety and Depression, Insomnia, Rheumatic diseases, Osteoarthritis, Digestive disorders, Diseases of the Nervous system, Stress disorders, are few of the many that benefit from Yoga therapy. Women’s health could be safe guarded, as well as improved through Yoga therapy.
Menstrual irregularities, Painful menstruation, Hormonal imbalance as in Hypothyroidism, PCOD, Obesity, Menopausal symptoms, Urinary incontinence etc are some of the conditions which could be prevented/ treated through yoga therapy.
Yoga therapy also complements the Modern as well as the traditional treatment of Infertility. It plays a good role in Ante-natal and post natal care. It plays an important role in prevention and management of gestational diabetes. More number of ladies are recorded to have enjoyed easy and normal labour, with guided yoga therapy, during pregnancy. Their recovery period have been shorter, and were benefitted with good physical and mental health post delivery.