You are what you eat. The physical composition, as well as the mental and emotional, makeup of an individual, is greatly dependent on his food. This is explained very well in Ayurveda and the traditional medical sciences. Naturopathy uses only food, and no medicine in its treatment protocol. The food one eats has to be constructive. Its composition should be in close proximity to the human structure and should be close to nature.
Most the diseases today are related to one's food habits and lifestyle. These are categorized as lifestyle diseases or disorders. Making a few very basic, day-to-day changes in the food, could reverse most of these conditions. A healthy food habit can certainly prevent the occurrence, of most of these conditions.
The key to a healthy body and mind is to eat healthily and to stay fit with regular exercise. Eating healthy means, eating Natural, unprocessed and wholesome food, in the right quantity and at the right times. It also means refraining from unhealthy habits and addictions.
The food needs of an individual would vary greatly depending on his physical and mental activities, the climatic conditions of the place he stays in, his digestive abilities, his upbringing with regards to food, and his likes and dislikes. And hence, it cannot be generalized. This could also vary from time to time, based on his condition at that particular period. Age, disease, etc are some of the factors.
A Naturopathic physician takes note of all of the above, and various other clinical factors before the prescription of a diet. As mentioned earlier, this would help healthy individuals in prophylaxis to continue to be healthy, and the diseased in reverse the conditions.
Obesity, PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes Mellitus, Dyslipidemia, Hyperacidity, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fatty liver, Liver disorders, Renal conditions, Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, Skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis, Lowered immunity, Anemia are some of the conditions that would benefit from the right food intake and diet.